Here’s my absolute biggest foundational "101 strategy to ensure success when it comes to nutrition.
Build your day with the 3 C’s!
1) CONTROL your Morning
2) CONQUER the Afternoon
3) CONCENTRATE in the Evening
You have the absolute most energy, focus, discipline, and control in your morning
That being said I highly recommend having your day planned the night prior. Know what you’re eating and have it packed. If you’re eating off a menu (which can require more discipline and energy and willpower) plan ahead and stay committed.
In the morning, your mind is more clear. It might not feel that way at first but the willpower gas tank is mostly full because you haven’t had to ‘face the day’ yet
FEED THE MACHINE.... fuel up with a quality energy source.
My suggestions are:
- 15-33oz of water within 1 hour of waking
- Green Smoothie -or- fruit (apples, citrus fruits, or berries work great here)
Can you eat a whole meal for breakfast?
Yes, but make sure not to bog yourself down. Keep it light is my suggestion. You can also add protein here too if you like.
There are many more options but these two (water and smoothie/fruit) are easy ways to prime the mind and body. Your brain likes carbs! Especially in the AM! The good kind
Once this is complete all you have to do is grab the lunch you packed the night before. Make sure you have your plan set in motion! If your job allows you to eat freely I highly recommend speeding out your food. This helps keep you full! Two snacks work really well. One between breakfast and lunch and one between lunch and dinner. Again, fruit is awesome! You can combine this with protein or fats. You have fruit with eggs , peanut butter, or maybe even cheese
As the day roles on chaos might ensue
That being said, you still have your plan
This is where all your prep comes into play.
Stick to the plan!!!
Do not waiver
Make sure your environment is clear of distraction and temptation. Or find a new environment
Make sure you have a few emergency rations in case of unforeseen things that arise. This isn’t a plan B. It’s actually a part of plan A which is... always be prepared!!! So have some almonds around, jerky, protein bars, tuna pouch, protein powder, etc
Finally, CONCENTRATE at night on what matters most!
Have a plan and stick to it
Clear the room of distractions and temptation
Make sure you communicate with your family what you’re working so hard for and work on finding family-friendly meals
There are SO MANY tasty options out there
Literally, go to Pinterest and search keywords like EX: healthy chicken meals or maybe you want healthy low carb chicken meals - whatever your goals are you can find a solution
At night it’s the most challenging because your willpower is empty!
You must protect your mission and concentrate
- Communicate with your family
- Get rid of temptation
- Drink more water
- Keep portions in control
- Eat protein first
- Eat veggies second
- avoid sugar at all costs
- avoid alcohol as often as you can
- commit to not eating after dinner
- get out of any environment that does not suit your goal or triggers you to ‘cheat’ on your plan
I hope this helped give you some foundation strategies for nutritional success
Much love,
Coach Charles